The Postcard Project
We are pleased to announce our newest campaign - The Postcard Project.
Inspired by Rachael's story at 60 postcards, London Loveiosa are launching a new campaign created to spread love, hope and equality to strangers across the world - through the power of postcards.
The idea is simple, wherever you are, you buy a postcard and write a message on the back, this can be a story, a quote, or a message you want to share with the world and leave it somewhere for a stranger to find and brighten up their day. You can do this in your own town, or when you're travelling in the UK or abroad. You can even post one to a friend.
London Loveiosa will be releasing 6 postcard designs, available to buy for 50p each (plus P&P), with profits going to fund future campaigns, however you can use any postcard to write your message on.
Anyone can partake in this project, it is not solely for the HPA or even Harry Potter fans, this project incorporates all people from all walks of life.
We will also be getting Harry Potter Actors, Wizard Rock Stars and Authors to sign these postcards, we will leave them somewhere in London and then tweet the location, the first person to find the postcard gets to keep it! You can follow us on twitter here
The project launches on December 7th at Have Yourself A Very Geeky Christmas - With Wrock artists including Alex Carpenter attending, it is the perfect place for us to launch, and we hope to see you all there!
For more information keep checking our blog.
If you have any questions email us at: [email protected]